What Happens During a Contact Lens Fitting?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Fitting?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Fitting?

What Happens During a Contact Lens Fitting?

The convenience of wearing contacts is something that millions of people enjoy. Choosing to wear contacts is easier and more affordable than ever before. There are good reasons why many people switch from glasses to contacts. 


If you are thinking of joining the happy users of contact lenses, you will need contact lens fittings. It is vital to find out what happens during a contact lens fitting. 


A Comprehensive Eye Exam


Before getting an actual fitting for contact lenses, go through an eye exam. During the exam, the eye doctor will check your vision and look for signs of ocular issues. There are eye conditions that can make wearing contacts very uncomfortable. An eye exam is essential if you need vision correction. 


Contact Lens Consultation 


After ruling out eye conditions, the eye doctor will proceed to determine your prescription strength. During the consultation for contact lenses, the doctor will determine if you are a good candidate for contacts. 


The doctor will analyze your eye health history and current condition. If you have dry eyes or astigmatism, wearing contacts can be difficult but possible. If you constantly rub your eyes, wearing contacts can be uncomfortable. 


Contact Lens Fitting

If you decide to wear contacts to correct your vision, go through a lens fitting. The fitting is a quick and relatively simple process that helps ensure that you get the right contact lenses. The contacts you wear need to fit you perfectly to be functional. 


A lens fitting will involve taking measurements of the eyes. This vital step allows the doctor to ensure that the lenses fit perfectly for optimum comfort.


Choosing the Right Contacts


If the doctor determines that you are a good candidate for contacts, you will discuss various contact options. You need to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each option. The doctor may suggest certain types or brands for a purpose. 


If you are an active individual or have an eye condition, you need special contacts. You will also discuss the best wearing pattern for your lifestyle. You can choose between daily, weekly, monthly, or long-term contact lenses.


Learning Safe Contact Use


During your fitting, the eye doctor will give you information about safe contact use. After choosing the type of contacts you want, try on a pair. The optometrist will need to ensure that you know how to keep your eyes healthy. Wash your hands before you handle your contacts. 


You will learn how to put in and remove your lenses safely. Keep your contact case clean and disinfected. You will find out the type of cleaning solution you should use for your lenses. 


Wearing contacts will require some adjustments. The good news is that you will get a trial period to familiarize yourself with contact lens wear. You can determine whether this option is for you. 


For more on what happens during a contact lens fitting, contact 20/20 EyeVenue at our office in Westminster, Colorado. You can call (720) 740-0400 today to schedule an appointment.

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